June 2023 - July 2023
Full stack developer
Tech Stack
React JS
Tailwind CSS
Redux Toolkit
Node JS
Express JS
Developing Bloggify presented several challenges, particularly in integrating Cloudinary for secure image uploads, synchronizing React Quill with backend logic, and ensuring efficient and reactive state management for user authentication, blog posts, and comments posed significant hurdles. Real-time tracking of blog impressions also demanded careful implementation, further adding to the complexity of the project.
Implement real-time impression tracking for blog posts.
Enable seamless integration with Cloudinary for secure image uploads.
Implement JWT and bcrypt for robust user authentication.
Provide a streamlined user profile interface for blog management.
Scalable project structure and state management
Listing endpoints in swagger UI to present endpoints
Key Takeaways
Implement real-time impression tracking for blog posts.
Enable seamless integration with Cloudinary for secure image uploads.
Implement JWT and bcrypt for robust user authentication.
Provide a streamlined user profile interface for blog management.
Scalable project structure and state management
Listing endpoints in swagger UI to present endpoints
Enhanced skills in full-stack / MERN stack development.
Established efficient and reactive state management for user authentication, blog posts, and comments, optimizing performance.
Structured the project into modular components, facilitating scalability and code reusability.
Maintained a clean and organized codebase, adhering to best practices for software development.